Supported living coaching services provide training and assistance, in a variety of activities, to recipients who live in their own homes or apartments.
These services are provided by a qualified supported living coach to a recipient residing in a living setting meeting the requirements set forth in Rule 65G-5.004, F.A.C., and can include assistance with the acquisition, retention, or improvement of skills related to activities of daily living, such as
In order to identify the types of training, assistance, and intensity of support needed for the recipient, the provider shall complete a Functional Community Assessment. This document is designed to assist the provider in becoming familiar with the recipient and the recipient’s capacities and needs. This assessment addresses all aspects of daily life including relationships, medical and health concerns, personal care needs, household and money management, community mobility, and community interests.
Do you have a skill, hobby, or passion you’d like to share with please contact us and let us help you turn your hobby into a class for those we serve?
DST provides support, education and services to all individuals in the community who live with a developmental disability.